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  3. How to use a different JRE for Diplomat MFT

How to use a different JRE for Diplomat MFT

   Although our installer deploys a private Oracle 1.8 JRE for use by the Diplomat Server, you are welcome to make change to a JRE of your choosing at any time.  As of Diplomat v8.1.1, we have updated our product to use the Azul Zulu JRE (an implementation of the Open JDK).  
   There is a small bit of configuration that you will need to make in any alternative JRE — you will have to specify a login configuration property that our server uses.
   To do so,

  1. Copy the "java.login.config" file that is found in our private JRE here:  c:\program files\coviant software\diplomat-j\jre\lib\java.login.config.  Copy this file into the corresponding directory in your new JRE deployment
  2. Edit your new JRE deployment's "java.security" file, found in jre\lib\security\java.security in your own deployment.
    Look for an entry with the text "login.config.url.1" — if you don't find one, add it.  The value will need to be:

With these two settings in place, you have your own private JRE ready to go for diplomat.   Only one more step to go, to configure our Tomcat Webserver to use your own JRE:

  • Open a command prompt as Administrator
  • Change to c:\program files\coviant software\diplomat-j\tomcatWebServer\bin
  • run the command:  tomcat8w.exe //ES//DiplomatServer64 (or, for the trial version, it would be tomcat8w.exe //ES//DiplomatTrialServer )
  • From the resulting dialog box, choose the "Java" tab at the top of the screen.
  • Change the path of "Java Virtual Machine" setting so that it points to your new deployment of the JRE (point to jre\bin\server\jvm.dll)
  • Press OK, then restart the Diplomat service

Last but not least, you will need to edit your shortcuts to the Diplomat Client (and Diplomat Job Monitor, if you use that) so that the java.exe that it invokes is your private JRE.

Updated on April 30, 2019

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