Release Notes v8.1

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1. All product documentation is now available at
2. All Diplomat Cloud Connector sites MUST BE UPGRADED when upgrading to Diplomat MFT v8.x from versions earlier than Diplomat v7.1.

3. If you are upgrading from any Diplomat MFT v5.x or v6.x EARLIER than v6.2:

   . BEFORE STARTING THE UPGRADE, be sure you know the domain, username and password for the network account associated with the Diplomat MFT Service. On Windows systems, this account is referenced in the Log On tab of the Properties page associated with the Diplomat MFT Service.

   . IF YOU ARE USING CUSTOM PORTS, you must update the server.xml file typically located at C:\Program Files\Coviant Software\Diplomat-j\tomcatWebserver\conf. See for details on how to change port numbers.

4. Upgrading directly from v4.x or earlier of Diplomat Transaction Manager to Diplomat MFT v6.0 or later is not supported, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 
5. The web.xml file is replaced during the Diplomat v5.x installation.  The current web.xml file is renamed web.xml.old.  If you believe that you have made changes to any settings in the web.xml file, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 

6. The web.xml file is NOT replaced during an upgrade from Diplomat v5.x to Diplomat v6.x, v7.x or v8.x.

7. In Diplomat MFT Standard and Enterprise Editions v6.2 through v7.0, jobs using File Monitoring can stop monitoring unexpectedly.  No notifications are sent when the monitoring stops, so the Diplomat administrator is unaware of the problem. At this time, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT USE the File Monitoring feature for critical file transfer jobs, if you are still using Diplomat MFT v6.2 through v7.0.

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Version  8.1 enhancements:

. The embedded Tomcat webserver has been upgraded to Tomcat v8.5.34.  For security reasons the default Tomcat home page and error page were changed to simple text pages which disclose no security-related information.

. A new utility, dbutil.bat, is now available to edit backup files when fields need global replacement or a large number of transactions need to be deleted. Please refer to the knowledgebase article on Using the Diplomat Backup File Editor at for more information.

. When exiting the Diplomat MFT Client, a list of transactions with Advanced Troubleshooting ‘on’ is displayed and Advanced Troubleshooting can be turned ‘off’ for all transactions listed.

. When exiting the Diplomat MFT Client, a list of any unsaved partners or transactions is displayed, such that they can be saved before continuing to exit.

. Added the number of currently scheduled transactions to the data displayed in the performance log entries.

. SMS notifications are now supported via email. Please refer to the blog post at for more details.

. Enabled SSE-S3 server-side encryption for files in Amazon S3 storage.

. Added ability to customize subject lines of email notifications.


. Added the ability to manually cancel an active audit archive thread when trying to open the audit settings dialog, using ‘Archive Now’ on the audit settings dialog or attempting to save updated audit trail settings.  

. Added <DEST_LIST_PATHNAME> as a parameter in a post-process command to capture the list of files processed and the status of each file in a temporary file.

. Added ability to upload files larger than 150MB when using Dropbox.

. Added new fields in Post-Job Processes panel to specify a linked Diplomat transaction to run after the main file transfer job has completed. “Allow linked Diplomat MFT transaction” must be checked in the Job Execution panel to enable this feature.  (Can replace the use of Diplomat MFT Scripting Agent batch files in the Execute After File Transfer field of the  Post-Job Processes panel.)

. Added ability to capture Transaction Name in Diplomat MFT Job Monitor tables in the paste buffer.

. Created a high-priority job queue for jobs that take priority over other file transfer jobs.

Version 8.1 bug fixes:

. Trap error when job thread dies and ensure that next job is scheduled appropriately. 

. Fixed issue where connection errors were being reported erroneously when a Diplomat MFT Scripting Agent job was queued and had not started to execute.  “Status is not available” is not reported in log and Scripting Agent request continues to request status until the job runs and begins to return valid status.

. Fixed problem whereby a transaction scheduled to execute monthly on the 29th, 30th or 31st day of the month would sometimes cause the Diplomat MFT service to not initialize successfully.  Service now initializes successfully. However, transactions scheduled monthly on the 29th, 30th or 31st day of the month may not be successfully scheduled. Recommend using “last day of the month” when setting up new transactions, if possible. 

Updated on April 21, 2022

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