Release Notes v8.2

Diplomat Managed File Transfer
Release Notes v8.2

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1. All product documentation is now available at
2. All Diplomat Cloud Connector sites MUST BE UPGRADED when upgrading to Diplomat MFT v8.x from versions earlier than Diplomat v7.1.

3. If you are upgrading from any Diplomat MFT v5.x or v6.x EARLIER than v6.2:

  • BEFORE STARTING THE UPGRADE, be sure you know the domain, username and password for the network account associated with the Diplomat MFT Service. On Windows systems, this account is referenced in the Log On tab of the Properties page associated with the Diplomat MFT Service.
  • IF YOU ARE USING CUSTOM PORTS, you must update the server.xml file typically located at C:\Program Files\Coviant Software\Diplomat-j\tomcatWebserver\conf. See for details on how to change port numbers.

4. Upgrading directly from v4.x or earlier of Diplomat Transaction Manager to Diplomat MFT v6.0 or later is not supported, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 
5. The web.xml file is replaced during the Diplomat v5.x installation.  The current web.xml file is renamed web.xml.old.  If you believe that you have made changes to any settings in the web.xml file, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 

6. The web.xml file is NOT replaced during an upgrade from Diplomat v5.x to Diplomat v6.x, v7.x or v8.x.

7. In Diplomat MFT Standard and Enterprise Editions v6.2 through v7.0, jobs using File Monitoring can stop monitoring unexpectedly.  No notifications are sent when the monitoring stops, so the Diplomat administrator is unaware of the problem. At this time, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT USE the File Monitoring feature for critical file transfer jobs, if you are still using Diplomat MFT v6.2 through v7.0.

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Version  8.2 enhancements:

  • Added support for Client SSL Certificates (used by AS2).
  • Added the ability to export Client SSH Private Key from the Diplomat MFT configuration.  This will export in SSH1 key file format (PKCS#1).
  • Added support for post-transfer source file operation options – in addition to deleting source files after a successful transfer, you may now also choose to move those source files to a different location on the source server.
  • Added the option to choose the transfer order for matching source files — default, alphabetical, or timestamp based ordering.
  • Added the ability to check for “file triggers” on each matching file found at source.  This extends the “file ready condition” that had already existed which attempted to acquire a lock of a Local Network file.  Now, you can choose to look for specific matching trigger files at the source location for Local Network, FTP/S, and SFTP sources.
  • Optimized filename pattern matching for the SMB transport when looking for wildcard-based files at source. This can reduce the burden of finding matching files on a folder over the network that contains thousands of files.
  • Optimized transaction logic to only connect to Destination location if there are matching files at the Source location which need to be transferred.
  • Optimized email notification delivery to send all queued messges as fast as possible, rather than sleeping for 5 seconds between deliveries.
  • Added the ability to remove all passwords from a backup file so that you can send that backup file to Coviant Support team without releasing any sensitive password information.
  • Added “RunAdHoc” endpoint to REST API so that API consumers can run any arbitrary transfer job without having to have it pre-defined in the Diplomat MFT configuration.  This supports JSON based payloads and responses.
  • Added the option to keep Job History database as an in-memory Derby database, rather than on disk.
  • Added the option to run scheduler in High Frequency mode, rather than a check for scheduled actions every 5 seconds.
  • Updated JRE to Zulu (8u232-b18) from Azul Systems.
  • Updated Tomcat to 8.5.46.
  • Renamed “Diplomat Cloud Connector” to “Diplomat Remote Agent”.
  • Added interface and manifest to Scripting Agent so that double-clicking will bring up a lightweight GUI for initiating Diplomat MFT Transactions.


  • Implemented AS2 Client feature.  You may now send secure files (messages) to an AS2 server over the Internet, supporting strong cryptography and digitally signed, synchronous receipts for non-repudiation of delivery.  AS2 Transport can be used as a DESTINATION server only, and is available in STANDARD and ENTERPRISE editions of Diplomat MFT.

Version 8.2 bug fixes:

  • Allow OpenPGP keys created in other software (such as GnuPG, OpenPGP Studio, PGP Desktop, and Kleopatra) to be imported into Diplomat MFT. 
  • Corrected SFTP date/time stamps, which had been off by a factor of 1000, when setting the destination SFTP file’s “last modified date”, which occurs when the destination location has the “Retain Source Modified Date” turned on.
  • Corrected a bug introduced in v8.1.1 which caused Linked Transactions to be “Forgotten” saving the configuration.
  • Corrected email address validation when Email Transport has multiple recipients; previously, only the final entry was applied to validation check.
  • Corrected SFTP end-of-session by manually sending an EOF, because at least one vendor failed to properly handle a CLOSE message without this.
  • Corrected schema for external audit (MS SQL) (20200115)
  • Implemented TLS session re-use for FTP over SSL data sockets, which is required for some configurations of FTP servers, including FileZilla and VSFTP. (20200115)
  • Removed “deleteOnExit” invocations on temporary files to avoid increasing memory usage.  Any lingering temp files will be deleted by the log retention mechanism. (20200115)
  • Corrected error with File Locking ready condition for Local Network sources in workflows that attempt to encrypt and/or sign those files. (20200115)
  • Corrected issue when generating a Transaction Report when one or more partners used SMB transport type. (20200602)

Updated on April 21, 2022

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