Release Notes v8.3

Diplomat Managed File Transfer
Release Notes v8.

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1. All product documentation is now available at
2. All Diplomat Cloud Connector sites MUST BE UPGRADED when upgrading to Diplomat MFT v8.x from versions earlier than Diplomat v7.1.

3. If you are upgrading from any Diplomat MFT v5.x or v6.x EARLIER than v6.2:

  • BEFORE STARTING THE UPGRADE, be sure you know the domain, username and password for the network account associated with the Diplomat MFT Service. On Windows systems, this account is referenced in the Log On tab of the Properties page associated with the Diplomat MFT Service.
  • IF YOU ARE USING CUSTOM PORTS, you must update the server.xml file typically located at C:\Program Files\Coviant Software\Diplomat-j\tomcatWebserver\conf.
    See for details on how to change port numbers.

4. Upgrading directly from v4.x or earlier of Diplomat Transaction Manager to Diplomat MFT v6.0 or later is not supported, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 
5. The web.xml file is replaced during the Diplomat v5.x installation.  The current web.xml file is renamed web.xml.old.  If you believe that you have made changes to any settings in the web.xml file, please contact Coviant Software Support before proceeding. 

6. The web.xml file is NOT replaced during an upgrade from Diplomat v5.x to Diplomat v6.x, v7.x or v8.0, v8.1, and v8.2.

7. In Diplomat MFT Standard and Enterprise Editions v6.2 through v7.0, jobs using File Monitoring can stop monitoring unexpectedly.  No notifications are sent when the monitoring stops, so the Diplomat administrator is unaware of the problem. At this time, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT USE the File Monitoring feature for critical file transfer jobs, if you are still using Diplomat MFT v6.2 through v7.0.

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Version  8.3 enhancements:

  • Added support for Accolm MFT Business Activity Monitor (BAM). BAM provides a user-friendly web based extension to Diplomat MFT to provide analytics, notifications, and visibility into all file transfer workflows. You can even define Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure that file transfers that should occur actually do occur, giving pro-active notifications in the event that a transfer window might be missed.
  • Add support for Slack and Teams job notifications (Standard and Enterprise).
  • S3 Transport now supports S3 API compatible endpoints for broader support of on-premises and cloud storage providers.
  • Added Biscom Transit transport (destination only). Biscom Transit is a solution that provides a cloud-based solution for large file transfer and collaboration.
  • Added <Z> and <ZZ> to Date Param formats for Time Zone (short and long, respectively).
  • Include the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) native library for Tomcat, which can improve the overall performance of Diplomat MFT Client, Job Monitor, Scripting Agent, and API operations.
  • Added support for Keyboard Interactive Authentication (KIA) in SFTP transport. This allows automatic login for username + password connections when the remote server disables “password authentication” but allows KIA.

Version 8.3 bug fixes:

  • Reduced Diplomat MFT client load time by removing unnecessary libraries from JAR files
  • Improved handling of SFTP transport to better support various error conditions
  • Added explicit timeout to SFTP transport read and write operations to prevent jobs from “hanging” with badly behaved servers and/or networks.
  • Updated Azure Storage transport to use HTTPS instead of HTTP
  • Updated S3 protocol to handle sending files to S3 destination where there exist WRITE permissions but no READ permissions.
Updated on April 21, 2022

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